Healthier Dishes

Why Do You Run?

I’ve always enjoyed running, but didn’t really get more serious about it until the last couple of years. When I started seven years ago, I couldn’t even run a mile and I have now completed a half-marathon. If you’d told me seven years ago that I would ever be able to do that, I would have said you were crazy.

Running is how I clear my head and sometimes, it’s how I vent my frustrations. I run to be healthy and maintain my weight. I run because, for me, it’s one of the best defenses against depression. Love that “runner’s high”! Apparently, some people in Colorado and Washington think that there’s a better one, but I think I’ll stick to running. 😉

Recently, at the Zooma Great Lakes Race, they asked some people why they were running it. Here’s what they had to say.

Now, Zooma Run wants to know, “Why do you run”? Head on over there, answer that question and you’ll have a chance at winning a nice prize.

I’d also love to hear why you run. Be sure to tell me in the comments below.

By Tempie at .