Healthier Dishes

2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

What is Organic Food?

To be labeled organic, produce must meet certain requirements. It must be grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, ionizing radiation, and most conventional pesticides.

It can be expensive to buy organic produce, so I tend to buy only what the experts recommend buying organic. According to the Enviromental Working Group there are twelve produce items, which they call the “dirty dozen”, that you should buy organic. These produce items absorb more pesticides due to their soft skins. Taking this list with you when you go to the grocery store will help you to know what to buy organic when you get there.

Dirty Dozen

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Apples
  4. Nectarines
  5. Peaches
  6. Grapes
  7. Cherries
  8. Pears
  9. Celery
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Potatoes
  12. Sweet Bell Peppers


Some non-organic produce items do not have high levels of pesticides. Below is a list of fruits and vegetables, that when tested by this same group, had little to no pesticides. This is thought to be because some produce has a tougher outer layer that protects it from pesticide contamination. This group is considered to be the “Clean 15″.

Clean 15

  1. Broccoli
  2. Cauliflower
  3. Cantaloupes
  4. Kiwis
  5. Honeydews
  6. Eggplants
  7. Mangoes
  8. Asparagus
  9. Papayas
  10. Sweet Peas
  11. Onions
  12. Cabbages
  13. Pineapples
  14. Sweet Corn
  15. Avocados

By Tempie at .