Healthier Dishes

TrailMix App Review

Happy Saturday, y’all! Hope your weekend is off to a great start! I have a brunch date this morning with a couple of ladies from Chobani and some local DFW bloggers at a restaurant I have been wanting to try for awhile. Not a bad way to start the weekend, right?

Anyway, I was recently asked to try out the TrailMix iPhone App and do a review on it.

What is TrailMix?

It’s a music player that takes songs from your playlist, and as you walk or run, it changes the speed of the music to match your steps. When you change speed, the music changes with you.

Pretty cool concept, right?

“TrailMix tracks the pace of your footsteps using your device’s built-in accelerometer sensor. Just slip your iPhone or iPod Touch into your pocket, armband, or backpack, and hit the trail”.


“TrailMix features a “cruise control” mode that turns off step tracking and lets you set your own custom tempo instead”.

What I liked:

I really like the Magic Shuffle option. It selects random songs from your playlist that match your running pace.

I like the fact that this app can take some of the slower songs you may have on your playlist (that you wouldn’t normally run to) and “magically” turns them into songs that you can run to.

I like that this app could be a great motivating tool that could potentially help runners as they work on increasing their pace. Anything that motivates a person as a runner is a good thing in my book. 🙂

I liked the cruise control feature because on my longer runs, I keep a fairly consistent pace and having the option to set my own custom tempo was great.

What I didn’t like:

At the time I tried it , the price was $4.99. I know that’s not really expensive, but I just felt like for $4.99 it should have had more bells and whistles. Well, guess what?  Shortly after I finished writing my review of TrailMix, I learned that upgrades had been made and were just waiting for Apple’s approval. Nice!

The TrailMix app now features a social sharing options for Facebook and Twitter. It also works as a pedometer, tells you total time spent moving and your average pace (beats per minute).

In honor of their one year anniversary, the guys behind TrailMix are having a sale. A FREE sale that is. That’s right, from now until the end of the month, you can download this app for free in the iTunes store.  Go give a try and let me know what you think.

**Free sale has now ended.**

*I was given an opportunity to try this app for free. All thoughts and opinions are solely my own.

By Tempie at .