Healthier Dishes

The New Road ID App

As a runner, I spend a good bit of time running the roads around my neighborhood. I live in a fairly busy area with lots of traffic and other obstacles to deal with. Before I leave, I always make sure to tell my husband the general area I will be running in and about when to expect me back. I also always carry my cell phone so that I can text to let him know if I will be longer.

Lately, I’ve been using an app that allows him to track my progress on his phone while I am out running. It worked really well, but there’s a brand new iPhone app that goes one step further.

The people behind the Road ID wrist bracelets have come out with a new app of their own. I tested it out on Friday, and I think it’s awesome!

One of the features of this app is the customizable lock screen, which will provide important information to First Responders in case you are involved in an accident, even if it is locked.

You can enter your:

You set the length of time you plan to be out, then send an “ecrumb” (electronic breadcrumbs) to your selected emergency contacts. This lets them track your progress in real time as you are out running, walking, cycling, etc. It also has an optional stationary alert that will notify your selected contacts if you stop moving for more than 5 minutes. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Now, this isn’t intended to be a substitute for the actual Road ID products and you should still carry a personal id with you when you hit the roads. This is simply another safety measure you can take to ensure that your friends and family can have a little more peace of mind.

My husband feels better knowing that he can track my location on those days that I run by myself and so do I.

For more facts about the Road ID app, you can go here.  Another cool thing about this app is that it’s FREE to download! Gotta love free apps!

*I received no compensation for this post. I simply read about online, thought “I’m pretty clumsy, might come in handy if I trip, fall and knock myself unconscious”, so I downloaded it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

What safety measures do you take when you head out for a run, walk or bike ride?

By Tempie at .