Healthier Dishes

Ten Things I’ve Learned About Life

Over the course of my thirty four (sob) years, I have learned a few things. Some of these things were learned the hard way. Sharing these with you might just save your life one day.  Okay, so maybe it won’t save your life, but it might spare you the pain I went through.

1. Never wear high heels to the Mall of America.  (This is the sparing you some pain part.)  After an all day shopping spree, my feet were rebelling in a big way. I couldn’t walk another step.


Unimaginable pain.

In order to make it back to our hotel, it was either:

A. Have my husband carry me piggy back through the huge mall, out to the parking lot to a waiting taxi, and up to our hotel room.


B. Crawl to the nearest shoe store and buy a comfortable pair of shoes that would allow me to hobble out of the mall back to the hotel.

To spare my husband the embarrassment and struggle of carrying me out of the mall, I went with option B.

2. Coffee is your friend. I love my Starbucks!

3.The dishwasher is one of THE greatest inventions ever.

4. Spending ten hours in the car with your new husband is not good for your marriage.

5. Marriage takes work. Like a garden, you must tend to it in order to keep out the weeds.

6. Cooking really is fun. It’s the dirty dishes  that stink.

7. Retail therapy really does make you feel better. For a good five minutes anyway.

8. Doing three loads of laundry a day  does help keep you from getting behind. Thanks Mom!

9.Never taking risks  makes for a very boring life.

10. Coffee  is your friend. Just wish that I had discovered that sooner.

By Tempie at .