Healthier Dishes

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Today, I wanted to chat about stepping out of our comfort zones. This could be anything from overcoming your fear of public speaking, a fear of flying or even exercise. It could be staying in a dead end job because you are too afraid to try something new. Being willing to step out of your comfort zone can have a huge impact in all areas of your life.

When I first started running, I was extremely self-conscious about I goofy I might look to all of the people driving by in their cars. I didn’t let that deter me and now I don’t even care what they think.

If you’ve ever been afraid to join a gym because you are self-conscious or embarrassed, don’t be. For the most part, everyone is so focused on their own workout that they don’t even notice others around them. Seriously, if that is all that is holding you back, forget about it and go join a gym!

Back in 2011, I signed up for my first race. I was nervous as could be at the starting line. Once we got going however, I began to relax some. I’d been running for quite some time at that point, but had never run 9 miles before.

A favorite bible verse kept running through my head during that race.

The sense of accomplishment when I crossed that finish line was incredible. I had once again stepped out of my comfort zone and because of that, I had grown as a runner. That feeling would only be trumped by my first half-marathon experience, where I had an even bigger case of nerves at the starting line. My legs were physically shaking prior to the crossing the start line!

My point is that had I not been willing to step out of my comfort zone, I would have missed out on so many things in my life. I would never have known how awesome a long solo run could make me feel. I also wouldn’t have had the incredible experiences or memories of running the races that I’ve done. I would never have gotten to run a half-marathon alongside my big brother.

Each time that I move out of my comfort zone, I grow as a runner and as a person. If you continue to do the same exact workout, your body will adapt, and you won’t see the changes in your body any longer. Something that has always stuck with me from Jillian Michaels workout videos is when she says “If you don’t get uncomfortable, nothing is going to change”.

The same rule applies in every aspect of our daily lives. We grow and expand our horizons as human beings when we are willing to step out of our comfort zones.

What is something you have accomplished by stepping out of your comfort zone?

By Tempie at .