Healthier Dishes

Saturday Showcase

Happy Saturday, y’all! I know that I’ve been a absent for a few days, which I really hate. I sat down to blog several times this past week, and just couldn’t come up with anything to say, but I’m back today with another Saturday Showcase!

I will be spending the rest of my Saturday afternoon making my meal plan for the upcoming week, and hope to have that up on my blog sometime tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy this week’s featured posts and have a great weekend! 🙂

Healthy Living

Redefining Fitness (from Delights & Delectables)


Mason Jar Blueberry Muffins (from Bijouxs)


A Creative Way to Share the Gospel (from Courtney at Women Living Well ministries)


Chocolate Slips…The Reveal (from Savvy Southern Style)

Tech/Blogging/Social Media

The Three Core Tenets Every Successful Blogger Needs to Have (from Danny Brown)


A Free Adirondack Chair Plan (Printable) (from Skip to my Lou)

By Tempie at .