Healthier Dishes

Runner Pop Quiz

I saw a Runner Pop Quiz over on the Skinny Chick Blog and thought it would be fun to do one here on my blog. Her blog is a new favorite of mine, so you should definitely check it out if you aren’t already one of her readers. She has the cutest Jack Russell terrier named Bam and posts lots of great photos of awesome places in California.

1. Do you prefer to run a large race like Rock N Roll or smaller local races? Why?

So far, I haven’t done any really large races, so I can’t say for sure. The largest race I’ve done only had about 3,000 runners. The smaller local races that I’ve done have all been really fun.

2. Do you typically to plan a vacation around a race?

I haven’t traveled anywhere for a race yet, but I could definitely see myself doing that in the future, especially for a Disney race.

3. We always talk about things we need to work on, but tell me the positive things you are good about doing before/after a run.

I am pretty good about stretching and hydrating before and after a run. I can definitely tell a difference in my running when I am properly hydrated. Love coconut water before and after a run!

4. Gels/GU/gummy bears, what’s your favorite fuel?

I’ve tried several different types of fuel, but so far Jelly Belly Sports Beans and Honey Stingers gels in the Ginsting and Strawberry flavors are my faves. The Honey Stinger gels are easier for me to get down than others I’ve tried. I also really liked the sample of Energybits that I received from the company, but they are a little pricey for my budget so I haven’t purchased any of those yet.

5. What is one piece of gear you can not run without?

My Asics running shoes and my Enell sports bra. My runs were so much more enjoyable when I started wearing these sports bras a few years ago. These bras eliminate any bounce!

6. What is your favorite distance to run?

I’ve done one 15k, one 10k and two half marathons so far. I love half-marathons, but I think I’d have to go with the 15k. It’s far enough to be a little challenging, but still a lot of fun.

7. What food or foods do not sit well on your stomach before a long run?

I try to avoid anything with a lot of fiber or acidity. Bathroom emergencies and heart burn are never fun, but they are especially bad when you are six miles from home.

8. What time of day do you run?

I really prefer late afternoon/early evening runs, but this summer, I’ve been running in the mornings to escape the heat. I’m kind of starting to enjoy those too, mainly because it leaves the rest of the day free to do whatever.

9. What is the worst or most useless piece of gear you ever bought?

I once bought one of those arm sleeve things to carry my MP3 player, but it didn’t fit my arm. It was really cheap, so no big deal though.

10. How would you make a piece of gear better? Or if you could design a product what would it be?

I like my Spibelt, but it can be difficult to get things out while I’m running a race if I have more than one item in it. I’d like something to carry my stuff in that kept it secure, gave easy access to items and was also flattering. You know, because looking good is what’s really important when you’re out there pounding the pavement. 😉

11. What’s on your fall race calendar?

I’m still trying to decide. I want to pick out one half-marathon, and I also would like to do either a 15k or a 10k like last year.

Your turn. Answer one or all of the questions in the comments below!

By Tempie at .