Healthier Dishes

Photo Dump

I always really enjoy the “Photo Dump” posts from other bloggers, so I thought I’d do one of my own today. It’s always interesting to see the random pictures people have on their phones. I take a lot of pictures that don’t always end up on my Instagram or here on the blog.

Rowdy, the Dallas Cowboys Mascot Hats! Can’t imagine why they were in the clearance section at Bed Bath & Beyond. 😉

We’re the same but I’m a little hotter.

T-shirt is available at Wal-Mart if you want one.

Can you spot the two misspelled words on this sign?

If you’ve been on an endless search for an Outhouse cabinet to store your stuff, well today is your lucky day! Garden Ridge has them, so go ahead and bring the outdoors in! 🙂

Sorry, Walgreens. You don’t scare me! This is me before my first cup of coffee every morning already. Nice try though.

Second floor view of Central Market in Plano. I decided to run the Plano Balloon Festival Half-Marathon on Sunday and had to go here to register at Packet Pick-up.

Wasabi Sushi at Stonebriar Centre in Frisco, TX. This is one of those sushi places where the food comes around on a conveyer belt, and it’s located right in the center of the mall. For those times where you need a meal on the move. Get it? 🙂

We went running at this park a couple of times this Summer. There is a track surrounding the park, which is located behind the Cooper Fitness Center in McKinney. Love the quote!

What pictures do you have on your phone right now?

By Tempie at .