Healthier Dishes

My Second Liebster Award!

Alex of Alex Tries it Out nominated me this week for my second Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is an “award” that bloggers give to up and coming bloggers or to someone they think deserves recognition for their blogging. Liebster is a German word meaning dearest.  It’s also a great way to possibly discover a great new blog to read!

Thanks for nominating me, Alex!!

 Rules for the Liebster Award
  1. Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
  3. Create 11 new questions.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers and mention them in your post.
  5. Thank the person that nominated you and tell the people you’ve nominated.


Random Facts

1. I’m a big fan of the Walking Dead on AMC.

2. I once had to get stitches because of  an accident on a trampoline. A group of us kids were playing “crack the egg”, and I literally cracked my egg! 2 stitches to close a hole behind my ear!

3. The movie, 13 going on 30 is one of my favorite shows. It’s honestly, the only Jennifer Garner movie I actually like.

4. I had to take the Math portion of my high school exit exams ( can’t remember what they were called then) over. I am so bad at Math, but thank goodness, I managed to pass it the second time around.

5. I hate black licorice.

6.  My husband is almost 6 years older than me.

7. I wear contacts.

8. I love to go boogie boarding.

9. I think it would be fun to go skydiving. Of course, that might change once I was actually up in the plane. 🙂

10. I was a receptionist/insurance clerk for a Urologist for over 4 years. Let’s just say that I saw/heard some…gross interesting stuff.

11. I have never colored my hair. Hopefully, it will be still be a while before I ever have to. 😉


What’s your favorite food?


What’s your favorite way to get your sweat on?

No doubt, that would that would have to be running!

What’s your favorite hobby? (Sick of favorites yet?)

Taking pictures

Describe your typical day.

Usually, it’s pretty dull. I’m a SAH wife, so there’s a lot of cooking, cleaning and laundry. I also read blogs, do some research online for health related stuff and get a little blogging in myself.

Are you a morning person, or a night owl?

Night owl. Love watching late night TV.

What’s your favorite form of social media (if any)?


What’s one item you always have to have with you?

My cell phone.

What’s the last thing you ate?

Chicken Taco Salad

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Tortilla chips and hot sauce

If you could take a vacation anywhere this summer, where would it be?

I really love the beach, and one of my favorites is in Destin, FL.

What’s your favorite song?

I REALLY love music, so it’s hard to pick just one. Here a few of my favorites:


Strong Enough – Matthew West

My Hope is in You – Aaron Shust

Glorious Day – Casting Crowns


I Run to You – Lady Antebellum

Just a Kiss – Lady Antebellum

Free – Zac Brown Band


Now, for my nominees!

1. Alysia  @ Slim Sanity

2. Lori and Stacy  @ Once Upon a Run

3. Kim  @ Too Slow for Oranges

4. Amanda  @ Slow.Lane.Runner

5. Kate  @ Kate Moving Forward

6. Rachel  @ Running Rachel

7. Ellie @ Fit for the Soul

8. Allison  @ Train Eat Repeat

9. Min  @ Savor the Rainbow

10. Sarah  @ Run Ginger Run 

11. Angela  @ Sole Sister on the Run


Here are the questions for my nominees:

1. Do you have any siblings?

2. What is your favorite type of food?

3. What’s your favorite clothing store?

4. What’s your favorite type of music?

5. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?

6. Grocery shopping- Love it or hate it?

7. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

8. What are some of your favorite beauty products?

9. Would you rather go camping or stay in a fancy hotel?

10. What is your favorite color?

11. Name two things on your bucket list.



By Tempie at .