Healthier Dishes

Low-Carb Diet (Day Five)

It’s been five days now, and we are really enjoying our new way of eating. I am also feeling pretty good about my decision to change the focus of my blog.

For breakfast, I made each of us 3-egg omelets and we had a little cantaloupe on the side. I woke up hungry this morning!

Lunch: We had leftover chicken patties, steamed broccoli seasoned with butter and sea salt, plus a baby romaine salad with red wine vinaigrette dressing. I decided to get a little fancy with the mustard.

Looking at my poor job making a mustard smiley face, I’m pretty sure that I will never be hired to decorate cakes. 🙂

I was still a little hungry after lunch, so I ate one Mini Babybel Cheese.

My snack ended up being another handful of raw almonds.

We happened to be near a Zoe’s Kitchen around dinner time, so we decided to grab a quick bite to eat there. Nothing says Happy Cinco de Mayo like Mediterranean-inspired food, right?

My husband and I both really like Zoe’s Kitchen, and I knew that we could get a meal there and stay within our diet. We both ordered the Protein Power Plate, which is flat-grilled chicken with carmelized onions, and slaw. We actually started ordering that before we even began this new diet, and really like it. We just had water to drink with our meal.

Did you do anything fun for Cinco de Mayo?

By Tempie at .