Healthier Dishes

Low-Carb Diet (Day 12) The Vow

Just in case you are new here, or haven’t been here in a while, you may be wondering what’s up with all of the low-carb posts. If so, you may want to go back and read my post on the new focus of my blog, where I detail why we are currently on a low-carb diet.

It’s been a few days since I last posted. I had to get the project finished that I was working on for my mom, and just haven’t had time to sit down to blog. The good news is that the project is completed, and we met my parents in Rockwall on Saturday to deliver the stuff to her. SO glad that’s done!

I’ve also been feeling a little stressed and down due to some personal issues that we are dealing with right now. I don’t want to discuss it too much, but it basically involves my husband’s work situation (he’s self-employed). We have some big decisions to make, and we are going to have to make them quickly.

Even though I haven’t been posting my meals, we have kept to our diet and not cheated. We didn’t even cheat  when we went out to eat Mexican food with my parents. It was  TOUGH not eating the chips (especially since I can go through a bowl by myself just about), but neither one of us ate any. We each ordered a chicken fajita salad, and once we were done eating, I was really glad that I had skipped the chips. I usually end up walking out of the restaurant feeling overly stuffed and uncomfortable.

Anyway, I woke up early, but didn’t feel like eating breakfast, so I skipped it. Bad, I know. It’s the most important meal of the day, but I just didn’t feel like eating this morning. By lunchtime though, I was definitely ready to eat.

I was craving a chicken cobb salad, so we stopped by Market Street, grabbed a couple of salads and ate them on the patio. This salad is really big and I couldn’t even finish the last few bites. I skipped the salad dressing since they don’t have any without any funky ingredients.

This afternoon, we decided to treat ourselves to a little frozen yogurt at CherryBerry. This was our first time at that particular yogurt place. Strawberry and Vanilla (no sugar added) with a few slices of strawberry.

The verdict: flavor was good, but the texture wasn’t my favorite.

The best frozen yogurt place that we’ve found is Yogurt Story. Great flavors and texture. The no sugar added blueberry and strawberry are the best! Unfortunately, we have to drive at least thirty minutes to get their yogurt. 🙁

After we left the yogurt shop, we decided to head over to Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee and do a little work/blogging on our laptops. We each had half-caf caffe americano’s. It was pretty late by the time we left there (we sat on the patio, so we didn’t have to worry about them <del> throwing us out</del> closing time), so we decided to grab a burger  at In-N-Out for dinner.

Protein-style double double with mustard instead of the special sauce and water to drink. Love their burgers!

We made it back home just in time for the encore presentation of The Killing. It was a good one!  Any other fans of the show out there?

We finally watched The Vow this weekend. We thought it was pretty good, but I felt that it could have been much better. I thought Channing Tatum did a really good job, but personally, I could have done without seeing his naked tooshie on TV. Am I alone on this?

What did you think of The Vow?

By Tempie at .