Healthier Dishes

Low-Carb Diet (Day 15) and National Salad Month

Just in case you are new here, or haven’t been here in a while, you may be wondering what’s up with all of the low-carb posts. If so, you may want to go back and read my post on the new focus of my blog, where I detail why we are currently on a low-carb diet.

Happy Thursday! This week has really just flown by so quickly. I hope that you are all having a really good week so far!

For breakfast today, I made myself a 2-egg omelet, and had some orange slices on the side. The orange was perfectly sweet and juicy!

Did you know that May is National Salad Month? Me either, until I read it somewhere online today. Well then, lettuce celebrate by eating a couple of salads from Market Street on their patio.

Grilled Chicken Cobb Salad (no dressing) and a small bottle of San Pellegrino.

The salad seemed to have less in it today (even though the package said that it was the same weight as the others we’ve had), and I ended up feeling not quite satisfied. 🙁

Of course, that wasn’t anything that a little frozen yogurt couldn’t take care of. 😉

Vanilla (non-fat, no sugar added) with some sliced strawberries.

Problem solved.

I was going to try the monkey-flavored kind, but that machine was out of order. 😉

I had a major craving for steak around dinner time, so we headed over to Sprouts to see what they had on sale. We found two grass-fed rib-eyes that looked really good and were a decent price. I’m not really the best at cooking steak, even with a meat thermometer, but these turned out okay.

Rib-eye steak seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and a little crushed red pepper flakes. Mashed cauliflower seasoned with butter, salt & pepper on the side.


In honor of National Salad Month, tell me what your favorite type of salad is down below.

By Tempie at .