Healthier Dishes

Laundry Sorter

Tired of having big laundry hampers all over my bedroom and bathroom, I began my search for a better solution. My laundry room (more like laundry closet) is tiny. The joys of apartment life!

I also wanted to be able to have a laundry hamper where we could place and sort our laundry as we went. That way, when I went to wash I could just grab the sorted clothes and throw them in the washer.

First there was this…

The good things about it…

A. It has 3 slots for sorting.
B. It has handy little rollers for moving around.

Now, the bad….

A. It takes up a pretty good bit of space, and does not fit in my laundry room. Meaning it still ends up in my bedroom.
B. Beautiful, it is not.

Then, I found these. (cue the trumpets) My fabulous stacking storage bins.

Quick question…..

Is it weird (or just plain sad) that something as silly as this brings me such joy?

Never mind, don’t answer that.

The good things about them….

A. They are small and fit in my laundry room.
B. They stack, meaning that I can have several sorting slots.
C. Now, I only have one laundry hamper in my bedroom.
And…..(this next one is HUGE)
D. My husband puts his laundry in the correct slots, and I don’t have to hunt for it all over the place.

The Bad…..

Well, for me there is no bad (although my mom just hates the fact that they are this blue color). I say, “Who cares, I can hide them in my laundry room and shut the door”!!!

Note: I purchased my stacking storage bins at Lowes. This is just a link to their website – not  a paid endorsement.

By Tempie at .